Monday, August 24, 2020
Pre-Trip Inspections Essay Essay Example
Pre Pre-Trip Inspections Essay Pre-Trip Inspections Essay Street mishap is a significant security worry in the primary streets. There are a few reasons for course mishaps however the surprising occasions in our streets are ever accused on the driver. This is on the grounds that it is accepted that the driver is in full authority over the vehicle. Be that as it may. the significant reasons for course butcher in any bit of the universe remember mechanical employments and disappointments for the vehicle. terrible principle street plans. inconsistent course care or rash drive or a blend. It is deplorable to see that notwithstanding the high figure of individuals diing on the streets. the course mishaps can be forestalled somewhat. The Department of Transport each piece great as the law requirement agencies has put forth a few attempts to actualize traffic guidelines so as to chop down the figure of course butcher and related perishes. One of these means has been the presentation of pre-trip audit. This paper will break down the various features and significance of pre-trip survey as a security step. Pre-Trip Inspection The pre-trip audits are obligatory interest by the Department of Transport as one of the means to chop down course butcher. In any case. this guideline is one of the most befouled guidelines by business vehicle drivers today. Besides. majority of the individuals from the masses are incognizant of these requests. Lion's share accepts that a pre-trip audit is a survey done by the driver before the person gets in the driver's seat however that is non valid. All business vehicle drivers are required by the statute to ship out and log a pre-outing and post-trip audit as specified in the Highway Traffic Act. A business vehicle is assigned as any vehicle consultation more than four and half tones. an open help vehicle with a limit more noteworthy than eleven including the driver or a school mentor. Pre-trip audit of business vehicles is done by the driver before the primary outing each twenty-four hours. In certain examples. one outing may take a few yearss. In such occurrences. the pre-trip survey must be done before the excursion begins and resulting audits ought to be done non later that each leftover portion stop ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . The survey requests by the Department of Transport necessitate that the driver of a business vehicle ought to be fulfilled that the vehicle is in acceptable working status before the beginning of the outing. The driver can only be guaranteed of the security of the vehicle on the course in the event that the person in question surveys the keep going driver concentrate on the status of the vehicle. The driver is required to buy in the examination to bespeak that he looked into the investigation and all the detailed mechanical errors have been fixed. A business vehicle driver can only be fulfilled that the vehicle is in acceptable working status if all the basic accessories of the vehicle are all together. This incorporates the brakes. brakes associations. manus brakes. moving wheel. headlamps. signals. wipers. driving mirrors. tires and coordinating gadgets. A portion of these accessories, for example, mirrors should be checked any clasp during the excursion at whatever point the vehicle is left ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . Security of the vehicle. filling. the driver and other course clients is an of import ground why the Department of Transport upholds pre-trip survey. The law hence requires the truck driver to ensure that all the exigency types of gear are all together during the audit. The driver is considered to hold submitted traffic offense incase the person in question neglects to use the exigency hardware at whatever point there is request. Numerous business vehicles are engaged with the travel of replenishing. Assessment of the filling ready and the replenishing security framework is of import before the beginning of the excursion. The push should ensure that the heaviness of the filling is acceptable appropriated and the security gadgets are all together ( Federal Register. 2006 ) . Distinctive association or movement organizations may hold various strategies to better the wellbeing and care of their business vehicles. Despite such strategies. the Department of Transport necessitates that the driver must discover that the vehicle is in acceptable running status before the beginning of the principal trip. The Highway Traffic Act necessitates that the driver present a decipherable composed examination to the vital approval after the outing survey. In any case. this is only from time to time done. The examination should join the depiction of the vehicle, for example, the command post figure. the loafer towed or the unit figure contingent upon the organizationââ¬â¢s arrangements. The day of the long stretch of survey and the mechanical deformities noted if any ought to other than be recorded on the investigation. In occurrences where there are no deformities or security worry that have been noted by the driver. the person is relied upon to do an announcement to that outcome. The examination is legitimate with the mark and name of the driver or the individual who was answerable for the survey ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . On the off chance that the driver or the monitor recognizes or suspects any deformity or security concern. the person ought to depict to the applicable approval in similarity with the association or organization strategies. In any case. in the event that the deformity noted is of reasonable wellbeing concern. this ought to be accounted for in a split second and the applicable strides to redress the activity be taken before the outing can get down. The law farther necessitates that a driver of any business vehicle should hold the ebb and flow transcript of the survey investigation of the vehicle and the loafer if any whatsoever clasp. The benefits of such pre-excursion can non be thought little of. Checking the states of the vehicle before the beginning of the excursion is cost viable and expands security. This is as a result of diminished holds as an outcome of disengagements which save money on the cost each piece great as significant decline of mishaps in the streets as a result of mechanical occupations that can simple be corrected before the beginning of the outing. By following the precise procedure of audit gave by the area of transport. the driver or auditor will move out an adequate survey inside a truly short clasp ( Sulek. 2005 ) . A business vehicle, for example, a truck tractor can cover 1000s of detail mis without separations or doing reasonable holds to the driver on the off chance that it is taken consideration of adequately. Pre-trip survey is one of the essential processs that are suggested for legitimate consideration of the vehicle. The essential significance of this survey is the cost spared by the movement organization or the association if the rules are followed to the last mentioned. Examination guarantees that the contributing of the organization is secured and the live of the drivers each piece great as other course clients are non at peril. Compelling survey guarantees that regular booby traps related with the movement business which are all things considered costly are stayed away from which saves money on the running expense ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . In any movement concern. the best expense caused by the owners is the consideration cost. It is beyond all doubt won for the owner of the business vehicle to supplant destroyed parts each piece great as paying the expense of fix. The expense is a lot higher when the worry lost during unneeded separations is thought of. Each clasp a business vehicle is out of the course as an outcome of disengagements that can be kept away from. the truck owner loses cash. This in numerous occurrences prompts hinder of the full worry in the long count due to the related loses. Any experient business vehicle driver or owner is conscious of the way that precaution steps are extremely of import in business vehicles tasks on the off chance that they need to stay in concern and do total compensation. This is genuine even without sing the expanded security as a result of convenient survey of the vehicles ( Sulek. 2005 ) . It is clear that strong pre-trip audit forestalls the event of mishaps and disengagements. It is significant more secure and cost useful to retouch a minor mix-up identified during survey that repairing a solid separation on the course which might be related with other inappropriate costs, for example, mishaps and incommodiousnesss. Pre-trip audit gives the driver the confirmation in the states of the vehicle and the likeliness of being engaged with mishap as an outcome of mechanical disengagement is decreased essentially. It is assessed that greater part of mishaps influencing business vehicles are as an outcome of mechanical disengagements and can simple be stayed away from by audit to watch the need before the beginning of the excursion ( Sulek. 2005 ) . Following the pre-trip survey rules for every single business vehicle is thus non of import simply in light of the fact that it is a legitimate interest yet is an of import process that guarantees that the contributing. the driver and other course clients are sheltered. It saves money on cost each piece great as lives. The business vehicle driver driving a broken vehicle wittingly or accidentally ought to be insightful of the way that the person in question divides the course with different automobilists and walkers and is seting their lives at danger ( Broemsen. 2009 ) . More or less. it is a traffic offense deserving of the law for any business vehicle driver to drive on the course holding non directed the pre-trip audit as specified in the Department of Transport counsel. The driver is well-suited for indictment in a court of statute on the off chance that he is discovered driving a business vehicle without a transcript of the survey sheet. Notwithstanding. as expressed before. this is one of the most disrespected mandatory statutes in the rush hour gridlock guidelines and the law ax keeps an eye on do non see this law all of import as it is normal. It is of import to see that during the pre-trip survey. the driver has more than two 100 things to investigate on the business vehicle if the survey must be viable. This is non to express that the pre-trip survey is probably going to take the better bit of the driverââ¬â¢s twenty-four hours. The survey can take under 30 proceedingss which is significantly less compa
Saturday, August 22, 2020
We Are Responsible for Who We Become free essay sample
Or maybe we should censure their conditions for who they become. Our conditions are not all that make us what our identity is or who we will turn out to be, however it is likewise the individuals that we associate with that have a significant impact. From early ages, we collaborate with our folks or gatekeepers. It is from them that we get familiar with our ethics and qualities. Kids will in general imitate their folks or parental figures in their lives. In the event that kids are raised with acceptable ethics and qualities, at that point they are destined to become grown-ups with great ethics and qualities. Immediately on the off chance that terrible ethics and qualities are instructed, at that point the youngster could get familiar with this also. For instance, in the event that a kid sees a brutal parent, at that point this kid is destined to get fierce too. As kids develop, they are well on the way to associate with others and make companions. Companions additionally contribute incredibly to who we become. We will compose a custom paper test on We Are Responsible for Who We Become or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This is particularly clear among young people who extraordinarily worry about fitting in and therefore, they would effortlessly lose their character and receive another one to fit in among peers. With time, the adolescent turns into a totally new individual. While guardians or watchmen have an impact since the beginning, society has the best impact. The standards of current society direct how individuals should act and carry on. Individuals need to change how they act, how they act, their convictions and mentalities so as to be a piece of society. This progressions what their identity is and in the end the individual becomes another person. Proof of this can be discovered when an individual relocates to another nation. In the new nation, this individual wants to fit in, in this manner, the person builds up a complement. Moreover, society is overflowing with generalizations and individuals feel committed to comply with these generalizations. For instance, in the past societyââ¬â¢s disposition was that solitary ladies have a place in the kitchen. Numerous generalizations were additionally communicated by means of the media. Numerous TV projects and ads impact individuals particularly youngsters. For instance, youngsters see open figures and characters in TV projects and endeavor to be increasingly similar to them subsequently losing their peculiarities and creating ones that their preferred character or open figure has. Individuals continually lose old propensities and addition new ones. As a rule, we can't be held at risk for the individual we become as we have almost no influence over this. It is numerous outer components that all in all make us what our identity is and who we will inevitably be. We are continually developing. The individual we will become in twenty years time would be a totally extraordinary individual contrasted with who we are presently and we are not liable for this.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Economic Impact of Alcoholism Abuse in the US
Economic Impact of Alcoholism Abuse in the US Addiction Alcohol Use Print Economic Impact of Alcohol Abuse in the US How Alcoholism and Binge Drinking Hits All of Our Wallets By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on October 21, 2019 Tetra Images / Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Alcohol abuse and dependence claim an estimated 100,000 lives each year in the United States, but the cost to society doesnt stop there. Heavy drinking takes its toll on society as a whole, costing industry, the government, and the U.S. taxpayer an estimated at $249 billion each year, according to a report from the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The societal costs of alcohol misuse averages to around $807 per citizen or roughly $2.05 per drink. Government and Taxpayers Bear the Burden The CDC report, published in 2016, concluded that two of every five dollars of these costs (or an estimated $100.7 billion) were picked up federal and state governments. Three-quarters (or $191 billion) were directly attributed to binge drinking. Underage drinking further represented $24.3 billion of these costs while drinking during pregnancy accounted for an additional $5.5 billion. According to the researchers, the costs were mainly associated with losses in workplace productivity followed by direct and indirect costs to the healthcare system. The numbers broke down as follows: 72 percent of the costs were attributed to workplace absenteeism, workers compensation, Social Security disability, and unemployment expenses.11 percent were related to healthcare expenses such as emergency care, hospitalization, alcohol treatment, alcohol-associated pediatric care, and the treatment of cirrhosis and liver cancer.10 percent were attributed to criminal justice expenses.Five percent were directly related to motor vehicle crashes, including insurance costs. Statistics: Alcohol Crime Alcohol Costs by State Breaking down the regional impact of alcohol abuse, the median cost per state was roughly $3.5 billion. Binge drinking was responsible for more than 70 percent of these costs, 40 percent of which was covered by the federal government. The costs to states ranged from a low of $488 million in North Dakota to a high of $35 billion in California. Washington, D.C. had the highest per capita costs overall at $1,526, nearly twice the national average. In terms of per-drink costs, the highest numbers were seen in New Mexico at $2.77, a figure that was 35 percent higher than the national average. Amounts Are Believed Underestimated The CDC believes that the $249 billion in annual costs is largely underestimated, in part because many injuries and alcohol-related health problems remain either reported or undiagnosed. Moreover, many of the workplace lossesâ"such as those related to absenteeismâ"cannot be measured directly, making it difficult to place a dollar value on such losses. To complicate matters even further, the $249 billion in alcohol-related expenses do not include $193 billion lost to illicit drug use, a figure described in the Surgeon Generals 2016 Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. How Many People Drink Alcohol in the United States? Strategies for Reducing Binge Drinking The quickest way to reduce these costs, says the CDC, would be to reduce binge drinking (defined as four or more drink per occasion for women or five or more for men). To this end, the researchers suggested using several evidence-based strategies to reduce the impact of drinking on society: Increasing the price of alcohol to discourage use, particularly among the youngRegulating the number and location of sites where alcohol is soldReducing the days and hours of alcohol salesHolding alcohol retailers liable for injuries or damages caused by intoxicated or underage customersAvoiding the commercialization of state-controlled alcohol sales While many of the suggestions would meet stiff opposition from government and industry, they do highlight that cost and access remain major drivers of the alcohol epidemic in the U.S. Unless measures are taken to actively discourage drinking, says the CDC, it will be society at large that will end up paying. Frequently Asked Questions About Alcoholism
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Practice Using Commas, Quotes, Colons, and Dashes
This exercise offers practice in applying the basic guidelines for using punctuation marks.à In the following paragraph, insert commas, quotation marks, colons, and dashes wherever you think they belong. (Try reading the paragraph aloud: at least in some cases, you should be able to hear where punctuation is needed.) When youre done, compare your work with the correctly punctuated version of the paragraph at the bottom of the page. Lost in the Witchcrafted Woods Ill never forget summer camp two weeks of cramps and campfires and slugs in my underwear. One night I got lost in the woods the witchcrafted spine-tingling woods. I dont know how I managed to get lost one moment I was marching along with my fellow scouts and the next I was marching alone. When I realized what had happened I responded like a true Boy Scout of America I sat down on a toadstool and sobbed. Oh I knew I was going to die out there. I waited for the gnats that sew your lips shut the owls that peck out your eyes the spiders that drop eggs on your tongue and the wolves that drag your carcass to their dens. I knew that by the time they found me there would be nothing left of me but my neckerchief slide. I imagined them taping it to a postcard and mailing it home to my dad. When I ran out of tears I started singing Oh, they built the ship Titanic to sail the ocean blue. And just then a flashlight found me. My patrol leader asked what I was doing out here in the woods and I spit on my palms and said Dont worry about me. I can take care of myself. That night I dreamed of dragons in the pines and I woke up screaming. Lost in the Witchcrafted Woods: Punctuation Restored Ill never forget summerà camp:à two weeks of cramps and campfires and slugs in my underwear. One night I got lost in theà woodsââ¬âtheà witchcrafted,à spine-tingling woods. I dont know how I managed to getà lost:à one moment I was marching along with my fellowà scouts,à and the next I was marching alone. When I realized what hadà happened,à I responded like a true Boy Scout ofà America:à I sat down on a toadstool and sobbed.à Oh,à I knew I was going to die out there. I waited for the gnats that sew your lipsà shut,à the owls that peck out yourà eyes,à the spiders that drop eggs on yourà tongue,à and the wolves that drag your carcass to their dens. I knew that by the time they found me there would be nothing left of me but my neckerchief slide. I imagined them taping it to a postcard and mailing it home to my dad. When I ran out ofà tears,à I startedà singing, Oh,à they built the shipà Titanicà to sail the oceanà blue.à And just then a flashlight found me. My patrol leader asked what I was doing out here in theà woods,à and I spit on my palms andà said, Dontà worry about me. I can take care ofà myself.à That night I dreamed of dragons in theà pines,à and I woke up screaming.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Carpe Diem Essay - 659 Words
The Latin phrase carpe diem can be translated into English as seize the day. Seizing the day means making the most out of ones life. It is a theme that is commonly found in literature, most notably, poetry. Poetry, like most of literature, goes through periods of change. In the seventeenth century, poetry began to move away from humanism and began to explore the everyday mans thoughts and feelings. Robert Herrick and Andrew Marvell were two poets who wrote during this time of change. Their poems To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time and To His Coy Mistress, are examples of the use of the carpe diem theme in poetry. In To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time, the poet uses images to convey a feeling of urgency, that oneâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He states: Then be not coy, but use your time, And while ye may, go marry; For having lost but once your prime, You may forever tarry. (813) Herrick explicitly states for the young women to use their time wisely: to seize the day. In To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell addresses his mistress on the topic of coyness. Marvell believes there is not enough time in life to be demure, he feels one must seize every opportunity he or she has when it appears. The poets images in the poem also relay a sense of urgency, that time is quickly passing. According to Jules Brody of ELH, Two elements in the stanza announce its connection with the carpe diem tradition: the fugitivity of Time (`winged chariot hurrying) and its invidious rapacity (`worms shall try, `turn to dust). (61) The narrator of the poem claims to hear/ Times winged chariot hurrying near (827). He fears that the time he and his mistress have on Earth is not long and they must, therefore, make the most out of everyday they have together. He further illustrates this point when he discusses death. The narrator states his mistress will turn to dust,/ And into ashes all my lust./ The graves a fine and private place,/ But none, I think, do there embrace ( 827). Once she has died, there will be no more opportunities for them to express their love for each other. Marvell portrays life if time were no issue to convinceShow MoreRelatedCarpe Diem879 Words à |à 4 PagesWadsworth Longfellow, conveys, through a persona, a matured perspective of Carpe Diem. Both poets communicate their individual opinion, Longfellowââ¬â¢s 19th century poem discusses the importance of creating a legacy and leaving an impact on time, whereas Herrickââ¬â¢s 17th century cavalier style poem implies the significance of retaining the prime years of your life, and portrays the brevity of the life cycle. These main aspects of Carpe Diem are expressed through various visual and auditory features to manifestRead MoreCarpe Diem Essay887 Words à |à 4 PagesCarpe Diem We live day to day working, paying bills, and not noticing what is truly out there in the world. We get caught up in drama with co-workers, friends, family and random people that we meet in our day to day activities. We stress over little things that shouldnââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢t even be stressed over, because whatââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢s going to change from the time youââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢re stressing from the next day to the next? The problem wonââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢t go away or get better or worse either way. So why stress? Life is too short to not enjoyRead MoreRobert Herrick and Marvell on Carpe Diem803 Words à |à 3 Pages1: Herrick/Marvell Carpe Diem, ââ¬Å"seize the dayâ⬠, is a literary theme that urges living and loving in the present moment since life and earthy pleasure cannot last. George Harrison of the Beatles said, ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s being here now thatââ¬â¢s important. Thereââ¬â¢s no past and thereââ¬â¢s no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We gain experience from the past, but we can not relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we donââ¬â¢t know if there is one.â⬠Two great writers, Robert HerrickRead MoreCarpe Diem Poetry Essay626 Words à |à 3 Pagesrare is death, which means that beauty fades. The beauty that they (the rose and the girl) share That are so sweet and wondrous fair! only lasts for small a part of time. This entire poem talk about how beauty fades with time. Thus, like any carpe diem poetry, one is urged to cherish time. In this case, beauty is associated with time and the narrator believes that both should be cherished with the same intensity. There is a tone of urgency to find physical love, as the narrator only addressesRead MoreTo His Coy Mistress: An Interesting Use of Carpe Diem870 Words à |à 3 Pagesliterature was prominent, a common theme arose to which many scholars refer to as carpe diem or ââ¬Å"seize the dayâ⬠. It was a process of writing in which the author justifies the deed of taking action before time runs out or before it is too late. The following will survey a poem that embody the political, and religious convictions the rebellious people living in 17th century Brittan were experiencing. Marvell employs his carpe diem motif within a specific historical and religious context, and he draws uponRead More To His Coy Mistress Essay: The Carpe Diem Motif833 Wor ds à |à 4 Pages The Carpe Diem Motif in To His Coy Mistress nbsp; Seize the day. For cavalier poets, there seemed to be little else they found nearly as interesting write about than the carpe diem concept. The form of carpe diem poetry is generally consistent, almost to the point of being predictable. Though Andrew Marvell worked with the same concepts, his modifications to them were well-considered. In To His Coy Mistress, Marvell makes use of allusion, metaphor, and grand imagery in order to conveyRead More The Theme of Carpe Diem in Francis Macomber and Capital Of The World1086 Words à |à 5 Pages The Theme of Carpe Diem in Francis Macomber and Capital Of The Worldnbsp;nbsp; The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber and The Capital Of The Worldnbsp;nbsp; nbsp;A lot of Hemingwayââ¬â¢s stories deal with life and death. Death even found itââ¬â¢s way into some of the titles we have read so far. However, in discussing death, we first have to look at life or rather how a life was lived, to truly understand what death meant in the particular instance. Both short stories, The Short Happy Life ofRead More The Theme of Carpe Diem in Robert Herricks To the Virgins to Make Much of Time887 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Theme of Carpe Diem in Robert Herricks To the Virgins to Make Much of Time Robert Herricks poem, To the Virgins to Make Much of Time, focuses on the idea of carpe diem. More specifically, in this poem the idea of marriage while love and flesh are still young should be heeded or one may suffer in their later years alone and loveless. Herrick suggests that this gift of virginity might be a great waste if not given while it is still desirable. Virginity is a gift for the simple reasonRead More Theme of Carpe Diem in A Fine, a Private Place by Ackerman and To His Coy Mistress by Marvell866 Words à |à 4 Pages The words carpe diem mean ââ¬Å"seize the dayâ⬠in Latin. It is a theme that has been used throughout the history of literature and has been a popular philosophy in teaching from the times of Socrates and Plato up to the modern English classroom. Carpe diem says to us that life isnââ¬â¢t something we have forever, and every passing moment is another opportunity to make the most out of the few precious years that we have left. In the poems â⬠Å"A Fine, a Private Placeâ⬠by Diane Ackerman and ââ¬Å"To His Coy Mistressâ⬠Read MoreCarpe Diem Poem876 Words à |à 4 Pages Carpe diem is Latin for ââ¬Å"seize the dayâ⬠and can be translated into ââ¬Å" YOLOâ⬠or ââ¬Å" you only live onceâ⬠in modern day society. ââ¬Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Loveâ⬠written by Christopher Marlowe conveys this message the best compared to the other mentioned Carpe diem poems due to its tone, syntax and symbolism. However, the Carpe diem poem ââ¬Å"To The Virgins, To Make Much of Timeâ⬠written by Andrew Marvell appears to be least persuasive out of the other Carpe diem poem due to its hasty tone, figurative
Laboratory Method Free Essays
Laboratory method Lesson 42: Different Methods of Plant Propagation Reference: Effective Technology and Home Economics II By: Luz Villanueva Rojo Julia Garcia Cruz Dr. Cristina Villanueva I. Preparatory method Motivation Let the students guess the picture. We will write a custom essay sample on Laboratory Method or any similar topic only for you Order Now Jot down their guesses on the board. Reveal the picture. 1. Have you tried planting a seed? 2. Have you tried propagating a plant using different kind of method? Orientation to the Work/Activity Read thisà Respiratory Activity Marcotting is another way of plant propagation where in the stems are included to take roots while still attached to the mother plant. Presentation of the Materials 1. Young plant 2. Knife 3. Moistened soil 4. Plastic 5. Coconut husk 6. String 7. Pot Procedure 1. Remove a ring of the bark below the node 3-5 cm long. 2. Scrape the cambium layer but not too deep into the wood to prevent healing before root formation takes place. 3. After the callus formation has taken place, wrap the surface with moist soil and coconut husk. . Cover securely with plastic and tie both ends using string, water the marcot regularly to prevent the drying and hardening of the soil. 5. When enough roots grow cut off the marcot just below the ball of soil that holds the root. 6. After cutting the marcot place into a pot big enough to provide sufficient room for the roots. 7. Place in a cool and shady place. 8. Precautionary Measures 1. Be careful in using the knife. 2. Make sure that your hands are covered wi th plastic when touching the soil. . Wash hands after the activity. II. Supervise Work Period or Laboratory Visit each group and observe if proper handling of tools is applied and steps are being followed correctly. III. Culminating Activities â⬠¢Each group will have their representative to report the result of their experiment. â⬠¢How is marcotting different from seed propagation? â⬠¢What have you conclude after the experiment? â⬠¢Do the process at home and produce a new plant. How to cite Laboratory Method, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Internship Proposal Essay Example
Internship Proposal Essay Topic: Several Suggestions to Develop a Custom Training Plan for Department of Forest Protection of Hanoi Statement of the Problem Organizations are formed with their employees/staffs or their Human Resource. The basic objective of a group is using its HR effectively to reach its target. One of the most important areas of Human Resource Management is training. The way that the enterprise builds and applies the training and developing program would affect not only the current productivity but also the development in the future of the company. Despite the role of training staffs, this work has not been paid much attention. Even though the staff training plans of Hanoi Forest Protection Department have worked effectively, there are some weaknesses that need to be improved. This study targets in defining and suggesting solutions for those. Purpose and Scope of work The purpose of this study is to determine the current problem in training programs in Hanoi Forest Protection Department. The study will evaluate the importance of training plans and their impact to organizationââ¬â¢s development. Besides, basing on the collected data and information, some suggestions would be proposed to improve the Groupââ¬â¢s current issues. Source and methods of data collection 1. Collecting Data Primary Data: Send and collect the printed sheets that have about 10 questions around the current training programs of the organization. * Interview a staff of Human Resource Department of the organization Secondary Data: Search and get information from textbooks, Internet, old reports and other channels. . Research Methods: There are numerous ways to get information. In my report, the research methods used are: literature searches, talking with people and personal interviews Literature searchà involves reviewing all readily available materials such as internal company information, annual training reports, annual training plan, company literature and any other supplied materials. Besides, I also used website searching and library literature search to gather information. We will write a custom essay sample on Internship Proposal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Internship Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Internship Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Talking with people is another way to get information. I had conversations with graduated students and friends, who have experience in interning in state enterprises or do research about development and training program. They all feel free to share their experience and the important issues. That helps me a lot to finish this report. According to an expert, personal interviews involving one person interviewing another person for personal or detailed information are a way to get in-depth and comprehensive information. That is the reason for why an interview with a Human Resources staff of the organization was arranged. The interviewer was asked questions from a written questionnaire and the answers were recorded verbatim. Research Questions: 1. What is the major Human Resource Training program in Department of Forest Protection of Hanoi and how were they implemented? 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current training program? 3. How could those programs be improved? ( give suggestions) Preliminary Outline 1. Acknowledge 2. Executive summary 3. Introduction a. Topic: ââ¬Å"Some suggestions to improve the Human Resource Training Program in Hanoi Forest Protection Departmentâ⬠b. Rationales c. Research questions d. Scope e. Methodology 4. Body Chapter 1: Introduction of the Organization * Establishment and Development * Business Areas * Organizational Structure * Current Problem in Human Resources Training Program of the Organization Chapter 2: Theoretical framework 1. Human Resource Management and Human Resource Training 2. The role of Human Resource Training in Organizations 3. Issues in Training Plan * Training demand/ objective/ selection * Building training plan * Training methods * Fee * After training evaluation 4. Factors affect training program and its result 5. Requirement of Groupââ¬â¢s Training Improvement Chapter 3: Findings and Analysis * Current situation of Training Program in Hanoi Forest Protection Department * Training Process in Hanoi Forest Protection Department Chapter 4: Recommendation 6. Conclusion 7. Appendixes 8. References
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Boring essays
Boring essays The three stories that are to be discussed contrast in several different ways. The stories of Bruce Evans, and Jean Crawley, differ from those of Grant McRae for several different reasons. The stories of Bruce and Jean had a view of home life during the war as well as a view of a soldier who fought on the ground. Grant McRaes story was that of an air force soldier who did little work on the ground. Bruces story was one of bravery as they marched across Europe in an attempt to free it from the Nazis hold, while Grant told a story of being locked away in a POW camp. The final way that the stories were different is that Jean and Bruce had stories that were filled with fact and locations, were as, Grant didnt teach he just reminisced, and it was written down. Ultimately all three veterans tell different stories, this shows us that although they fought in the same war there were many different aspects to it. When Bruces told his story it was one of triumph. He began by telling the class about how he became a soldier and his training, but ultimately the bulk of his story came when he entered combat in Normandy. Bruce spun tails of heroics of taking out the German gunners and taking that part of France for the allies. His story continued to the liberation of Holland from the Germans and the wonderful welcome that they received from the Dutch. His story concluded with his march into Germany were he heard that the war was over, and he returned to Holland got rid of his armaments, and was treated like a hero by the Dutch. Jeans story is another story of bravery. Jean told tales of how the women were brave enough to enlist in to the armed services. She spoke of how these women were willing to risk their lives in order to protect their homeland from air raids done by the Germans, risking their own lives by shinning lights on the planes, making them vulnerable to bombing. Grant told a ver y different story. ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Code Name Jane - Abortion Counseling Service 1969-1973
Code Name Jane - Abortion Counseling Service 1969-1973 Jane was the code name of a feminist abortion referral and counseling service in Chicago from 1969 to 1973. The official name of the group was the Abortion Counseling Service of Womens Liberation. Jane disbanded after the Supreme Courts Roe v. Wade decision legalized most first and second trimester abortions in the United States. Historical Context Prior to theà Roe v. Wadeà decision, abortion was illegal nearly everywhere in the United States, although women had been terminating unwanted or dangerous pregnancies for centuries.à Thousands of women had died from illegal, back-alley abortions in the United States and around the world before the procedure was legalized. For women wishing or needing to end a pregnancy, options were scarce and gruesome: sketchy doctors in unsanitary conditions, risking being caught in a sting, or physical or chemical DIY abortifacients. Underground Abortion Service The leaders of Jane were part of the Chicago Womens Liberation Union (CWLU). Women who called seeking help spoke to a contact code named Jane, who referred the caller to an abortion provider. Like the Underground Railroad of the previous century, the activists of Jane broke the law in order to save womens lives.à Jane helped an estimated 10,000 to 12,000 women obtain abortions without fatalities. The group began in 1969 in Chicago, advertising with simple ads in alternative and student newspapers. At first, the Jane activists tried to find reliable doctors and arranged for callers to meet the abortionists in secret locations. A caller would leave a message on the networks answering machine, and a Jane would call her back, collect the necessary information, and pass it along to a Big Jane who handled the logistical aspects. The patients would first be taken to one place for counseling before being secretly led to a facility for the procedure itself. Eventually, some Jane women learned to perform abortions themselves. Since many of the male doctors who performed illegal abortions charged astronomical prices, the Janes learned medical skills and would charge as little as 10% or even less of a male doctors fee. As detailed in the book The Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service by Laura Kaplan (New York: Pantheon Books, 1995), one of Janes goals was to give women a sense of control and knowledge in a situation that otherwise made them powerless. Jane sought to work with the women, not do something to them. Jane also tried to protect women, who were often in difficult financial circumstances, from being exploited by abortionists who could and would charge any price they could get from a woman who was desperate for an abortion. Counseling and Medical Procedures The women of Jane learned the basics of performing abortions. They also induced miscarriages for certain pregnancies and brought in midwives who could assist the induced women. If women went to a hospital emergency room after inducing a miscarriage, they risked being turned over to the police. In 1972, the worst did happen. Chicago police raided one of the apartments used as a base of operations for the Janes. Seven women were arrested and charged for their roles in facilitating the illegal abortion procedures. Even then, the Janes worked to protect the identities and safety of the women who had trusted them. While in the police van itself, the arrested women ripped up the cards with their patients identifying information and swallowed the bits of paper that contained the most crucial details.à Jane also provided counseling, health information and sex education. Following theà Roeà decision, the network disbanded, as its services were no longer needed. In the 21st century, however, as local governments have chipped away at access to abortion services, similar networks of women helping women have popped up across the country, this time with access to modern medicine. The Women Jane Helped According to Jane by Laura Kaplan, the women who sought abortion help from Jane included: Women who could not care for a childWomen who became pregnant even though they used contraceptionWomen whose male partners forbade them to use contraceptionWomen who thought they were no longer fertileGirls who did not (yet) understand how reproductive biology works Women who came to Jane were of various classes, ages, races and ethnicities. The feminist activists of Jane said they had helped females from age 11 through age 50. Other Groups Nationwide There were other small abortion referral groups in cities across the United States. Womens groups and clergy were among those who created compassionate networks to help women find safe, legal access to abortion. The story of Jane is also told in a 1996 documentary film called Jane: An Abortion Service. Sources: Haberman, Clyde. Code Name Jane: The Women Behind A Covert Abortion Network.à The New York Timesà 14 Oct. 2018,à Kaplan, Laura.à Theà Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service.à New York: Pantheon Books, 1995.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Subcultures & Countercultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Subcultures & Countercultures - Essay Example 3) a. Dominant Culture Dominant culture encompasses the prevailing customs, religion, norms, and all things that constitute a society. Mediated by ideological representations, members of society live the dominant cultureââ¬â¢s reality without questioning its origins. The dominant culture in the film was characterized by loyalties in the institutions of family, marriage, and moral standards. The family of the bride was traditional and ideal in the sense that the mother, father, and daughter fulfilled their stereotypical roles. The father, who was a deputy of the Cultural Order, symbolizes crumbling morality as represented by the broken marriage of the groomââ¬â¢s parents, and the president who slept with a black prostitute. b. Subculture Subculture refers to a societal group that embodies the resistances and deviations from the dominant culture. This segment of society possesses its own style, language, norms, and beliefs. In the film, gay men wore make-up, corsets, silk robes, and high heels. Albin (Michel Serrault) spoke in high-pitched voice and considered herself a woman. In one scene, Albin and Renato (Ugo Tognazzi) were in a bar crowded with heterosexual men. The gay subculture in that scene manifested how sexually and physically distant it was from the dominant culture. c.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Employee Motivation At Utiliscan. Utiliscan case analysis Essay
Employee Motivation At Utiliscan. Utiliscan case analysis - Essay Example As the paper describes the situation at Utiliscan, it also provides motivation strategies and the motivational plan for the company. Introduction Considering the fact that the company has a tight financial constrictions, Paul should have focused on the problems that are experienced within the company and in the workplace environment. Lack of trainings among the employees would necessarily mean that there will be no improvement in the workforce, according to the eighty-nine percent, that would at the end, hinder promotions. These are some of the factors that would lessen the motivation of the employees with their work. Another thing that needs to be given proper attention is on the part of the competitive employees whose working so hard and efficiently but not given the proper and deserving salaries. It is the relationship of the salaries versus the performance which can demoralize employees who is performing well in their jobs but the payment is not according to the seventy-four perc ent of the survey. Strict supervision among the workplace in the company is also a problem that needs to be addresses as it has being manifested in the seventy-eight percent of the employees. Favoritism among the employees are also regarded as not good on the part of the company and benefits should be equally regarded and must also looked upon well according to fifty-four percent of the survey held by Paul. One of the main problems that needs to be given due course is the safety of the employees according to the forty-five percent of the survey result among the employees. These employees claim that they felt not being safe and satisfied with the health conditions in the workplace. Not being safe on the part of the employees or danger in the workplace would definitely be an accountability of the company. The best way to do business on the part of the company is to keep their employees safe from harm and danger. Without the satisfaction on the part of the employees with regard to thei r health would hold back or obstruct employeeââ¬â¢s performance that would hinder them submitting their best in the company. Motivation Strategies One of the main jobs of a manager specifically in the workplace is to assure that things concerning the company must be done through the employees and to be able to attain this, managers are responsible to motivate the employees to get things done. In spite of the big number of research that was done inline with motivation of the employees with their work, the subject is still absurd or not clearly understood and in the process poorly practiced. Motivation, to be able to understand, must deal on the understanding of the human nature and there where the problems were usually manifested. The reality about the human nature lies on the fact that it can be very simple and up the same time can be very complex too. Learning the appreciation and understanding of the human nature is considered as a prerequisite to effectively motivate the workf orce in the workplace and in achieving this, vial requirement on the part of the company is to have an effective management and leadership (ACCEL team development, 2011). There are several motivational strategies that the managers could be considered in dealing with the problems in the company and the managers must necessarily be aware of the advantages as well as the disadvantages of each. It is relevant on the part of the manager how to effectively motivate the workers in the workforce to be efficient. How does the effectiveness would vary from certain situations to another? 1. Team work. Most of the managers are forming work groups to lower the level on the peer pressure. This is found to be an effective means of motivation 2.
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Struggle Between Two Sides: Church and State Essay -- christians, c
The separation of the state and church refers to the distinct distance in the relationship that exists between the national state and the organized church. Although the aspect of separation between the state and the church has worked in a number of nations, the degree of separation varies depending on the valid legal policies and laws in relationship with the prevalence views on the religious aspect of the society. In most of the nations that practice such separation, there exists distinct rules and regulation between church and state. However, between the two entities, there will always exists a way through which the two entities will interact and consult each other as individual entities (Hamburger 67). People should not push Christian beliefs on Americanââ¬â¢s that do not want it , we should stick with our background as a Christian nation because most of Americanââ¬â¢s categorize themselves as Christians and our country has always been prosperous why change it now. In some nations such as France and Turkey, the level of relations that exists between the nations and the church simply does not contribute to any reforms and law enforcing togetherness. Each of the entities in the nation act independent hence gives diverse opinion concerning issues affecting the nation as a whole. While in other nations such as United Kingdom and Denmark, the constitutional recognizes the official state and the religious organization working together for the common good of the nations (Hall 111). In general, the separation of the church and the state is an aspect that will affect both the involved parties. Gross dictates that, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦.both the nation and its legal departments directly or indirectly depend on the religious organizationsâ⬠(Gross 192). The contr... ...ishment: Church and State in Nineteenth-century America. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010. Print. Gross, Michael B. The War against Catholicism: Liberalism and the Anti-Catholic Imagination in Nineteenth-century Germany. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 2004. Print. Hall, Timothy L. Separating Church and State: Roger Williams and Religious Liberty. Urbana: University of Illinois, 2007. Print. Hamburger, Philip. Separation of Church and State. Cambridge, Mass. ;London: Harvard UP, 2002. Print. Johnson, Alvin Walter, and Frank H. Yost. Separation of Church and State in the United States,. [Minneapolis?]: Minnesota Archive Editions, 2011. Print. Scherer, Matthew. Beyond Church and State: Democracy, Secularism, and Conversion. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. Print. Shiffrin, Steven H. The Religious Left and Church-state Relations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2012. Print.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Deception Point Page 54
The technician sitting at the oscillator screen in the sonar room was one of the best in the world. His mind was a dictionary of sounds and waveforms. He could distinguish between the sounds of several dozen Russian submarine propellers, hundreds of marine animals, and even pinpoint underwater volcanoes as far away as Japan. At the moment, however, he was listening to a dull, repetitive echo. The sound, although easily distinguishable, was most unexpected. ââ¬Å"You aren't going to believe what's coming through my listening cans,â⬠he said to his catalog assistant, handing over the headphones. His assistant donned the headphones, an incredulous look crossing his face. ââ¬Å"My God. It's clear as day. What do we do?â⬠The sonar man was already on the phone to the captain. When the submarine's captain arrived in the sonar room, the technician piped a live sonar feed over a small set of speakers. The captain listened, expressionless. THUD. THUD. THUD. THUDâ⬠¦ THUDâ⬠¦ THUDâ⬠¦ THUD. THUD. THUD. Slower. Slower. The pattern was becoming looser. More and more faint. ââ¬Å"What are the coordinates?â⬠the captain demanded. The technician cleared his throat. ââ¬Å"Actually, sir, it's coming from the surface, about three miles to our starboard.â⬠62 In the darkened hallway outside Senator Sexton's den, Gabrielle Ashe's legs were trembling. Not so much out of exhaustion from standing motionless, but from disillusionment over what she was listening to. The meeting in the next room was still going, but Gabrielle didn't have to hear another word. The truth seemed painfully obvious. Senator Sexton is taking bribes from private space agencies. Marjorie Tench had been telling the truth. The revulsion Gabrielle felt spreading through her now was one of betrayal. She had believed in Sexton. She'd fought for him. How can he do this? Gabrielle had seen the senator lie publicly from time to time to protect his private life, but that was politics. This was breaking the law. He's not even elected yet, and he's already selling out the White House! Gabrielle knew she could no longer support the senator. Promising to deliver the NASA privatization bill could be done only with a contemptuous disregard for both the law and the democratic system. Even if the senator believed it would be in everyone's best interest, to sell that decision flat out, in advance, slammed the door on the checks and balances of government, ignoring potentially persuasive arguments from Congress, advisers, voters, and lobbyists. Most important, guaranteeing the privatization of NASA, Sexton had paved the way for endless abuses of that advanced knowledge-insider trading the most common-blatantly favoring the wealthy, inside cadre at the expense of honest public investors. Feeling sick to her stomach, Gabrielle wondered what she should do. A telephone rang sharply behind her, shattering the silence of the hallway. Startled, Gabrielle turned. The sound was coming from the closet in the foyer-a cellphone in the pocket of one of the visitors' coats. ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËScuse me, friends,â⬠a Texas drawl said in the den. ââ¬Å"That's me.â⬠Gabrielle could hear the man get up. He's coming this way! Wheeling, she dashed back up the carpet the way she'd come. Halfway up the hall, she cut left, ducking into the darkened kitchen just as the Texan exited the den and turned up the hall. Gabrielle froze, motionless in the shadows. The Texan strode by without noticing. Over the sound of her pounding heart, Gabrielle could hear him rustling in the closet. Finally, he answered the ringing phone. ââ¬Å"Yeah?â⬠¦ When?â⬠¦ Really? We'll switch it on. Thanks.â⬠The man hung up and headed back toward the den, calling out as he went. ââ¬Å"Hey! Turn on the television. Sounds like Zach Herney's giving an urgent press conference tonight. Eight o'clock. All channels. Either we're declaring war on China, or the International Space Station just fell into the ocean.â⬠ââ¬Å"Now wouldn't that be something to toast!â⬠someone called out. Everyone laughed. Gabrielle felt the kitchen spinning around her now. An eight P.M. press conference? Tench, it seemed, had not been bluffing after all. She had given Gabrielle until 8:00 P.M. to give her an affidavit admitting the affair. Distance yourself from the senator before it's too late, Tench had told her. Gabrielle had assumed the deadline was so the White House could leak the information to tomorrow's papers, but now it seemed the White House intended to go public with the allegations themselves. An urgent press conference? The more Gabrielle considered it, though, the stranger it seemed. Herney is going live with this mess? Personally? The television came on in the den. Blaring. The news announcer's voice was bursting with excitement. ââ¬Å"The White House has offered no clues as to the topic of tonight's surprise presidential address, and speculation abounds. Some political analysts now think that following the President's recent absence on the campaign trail, Zach Herney may be preparing to announce he will not be running for a second term.â⬠A hopeful cheer arose in the den. Absurd, Gabrielle thought. With all the dirt the White House had on Sexton right now, there was no way in hell the President was throwing in the towel tonight. This press conference is about something else. Gabrielle had a sinking feeling she'd already been warned what it was. With rising urgency, she checked her watch. Less than an hour. She had a decision to make, and she knew exactly to whom she needed to talk. Clutching the envelope of photos under her arm, she quietly exited the apartment. In the hallway, the bodyguard looked relieved. ââ¬Å"I heard some cheering inside. Sounds like you were a hit.â⬠She smiled curtly and headed for the elevator. Outside in the street, the settling night felt unusually bitter. Flagging a cab, she climbed in and tried to reassure herself she knew exactly what she was doing. ââ¬Å"ABC television studios,â⬠she told the driver. ââ¬Å"And hurry.â⬠63 As Michael Tolland lay on his side on the ice, he rested his head on an outstretched arm, which he could no longer feel. Although his eyelids felt heavy, he fought to keep them open. From this odd vantage point, Tolland took in the final images of his world-now just sea and ice-in a strange sideways tilt. It seemed a fitting end to a day in which nothing had been what it seemed. An eerie calm had begun to settle over the floating raft of ice. Rachel and Corky had both fallen silent, and the pounding had stopped. The farther from the glacier they floated, the calmer the wind became. Tolland heard his own body getting quieter too. With the tight skullcap over his ears, he could hear his own breathing amplified in his head. It was getting slowerâ⬠¦ shallower. His body was no longer able to fight off the compressing sensation that accompanied his own blood racing from his extremities like a crew abandoning ship, flowing instinctively to his vital organs in a last-ditch effort to keep him conscious. A losing battle, he knew. Strangely, there was no pain anymore. He had passed through that stage. The sensation now was that of having been inflated. Numbness. Floating. As the first of his reflexive operations-blinking-began to shut down, Tolland's vision blurred. The aqueous humor that circulated between his cornea and lens was freezing repeatedly. Tolland gazed back toward the blur of the Milne Ice Shelf, now only a faint white form in the hazy moonlight. He felt his soul admitting defeat. Teetering on the brink between presence and absence, he stared out at the ocean waves in the distance. The wind howled all around him. It was then that Tolland began hallucinating. Strangely, in the final seconds before unconsciousness, he did not hallucinate rescue. He did not hallucinate warm and comforting thoughts. His final delusion was a terrifying one.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Art Is A Reflective Mirror - 1945 Words
No one can disagree that Art is a reflective mirror, which helps to reveal most of the history events, culture, political circumstances, contemporary social issues and religion. Art is also a personal representative of the artist or it can be a product of human activities. Besides, Art is known as the creation of images and objects in a variety of forms and visual elements following by its concept. So, Is the concept of Art being relevant not only in the Art world but also in education and our society?. Does culture affect the ideas of art and become certain parts of the concept?. Concept of Art is the artistââ¬â¢s intention and messages that have been conveyed and transferred to the audience through the artwork. Artists themselves are seemed subconsciously affected by the culture of their birthplace or by the place they are living in. Roots of history, culture and political economy nourish the art. Rudolf Arnheim states that: The arts, as a reflection of human existence at its highest, have always and spontaneously lived up to this demand of plenitude. No mature style of art in any culture has ever been simple . By choosing Asian countries as an example of art that was influenced by history, Vietnam- my birthplace with its art is the one that was heavily affected by its own history of wars. ââ¬Å"Painting is an instrument of warâ⬠, said Pablo Picasso; according to the visual art heritage from various foreign cultures during the twentieth century, Vietnam Art has become unique andShow MoreRelatedReflective Essay1508 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction People often spend at least few minutes every day before the mirror. Why do you stand before a mirror? What do you see when you look at the mirror? You, right? Technically speaking we stand before a mirror to analyze ourselves by looking at our own reflection in the mirror. The same can be said about the reflective compositions. 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