Friday, November 29, 2019

My Neighbors Essays - Frankie Laine Discography, Szd Speech

My Neighbors I'm sure going to miss their great friendliness and hospitality. They were always so nice to me, and my mom and dad. They were probably the best neighbors we have ever had. I think Judy was the first friend I met when I moved here from Wisconsin. We were both so young, it's bad of me not going to the funeral. I'll probably regret that I didn't go later on but, I just couldn't handle it right now. Brandon we' re home. Yea Mom I'm upstairs, do you think that anyone has moved into the Smites house yet? No I don't think so, why? Because all the lights are on. Also there is a car that looks like the Smites in the driveway. You know that is impossible their car was totaled in the accident. The police had to cut the car in half to get the three bodies out. Well don't worry about it. You know we just came from their funeral it must be someone from the real estate company who has a car like John and Beth had. Why don't you come down and eat. We stopped and got pizza. Sounds great I'll be down in a minute. Gosh mom why did you get all this pizza? Are you expecting company? No Brandon, if we don't finish it tonight, I'll put the left over pizza in the refrigerator. Sure mom, like we're going to finish it all tonight. I wouldn't be so sure, I think you are in for a surprise tonight. Hey.. uh mom what's that old grungy book doing on the table? Its an old book that's been passed down through several generations of my family. I thought that you would like to look at it with me and your father. As I took a glance at this queer looking book I noticed the peculiar title that read MAGICO NEGRO. I figured it was spanish but had no idea what it meant. I ignored it and as I was hungry, and sat down for dinner. When I was getting ready to chow down, my mother said Why don't we pray? This had me stupefied because we usually only pray when it's a special dinner or holiday But when mom picked up the freaky book I was alarmed and fearful of what she planned on doing! I saw that she had opened it to the Vs and was looking at the word vecino in capital letters. Mom was acting very strange. She told my father and I to hold hands with her in a circle around the table. She then continued, telling us to repeat after her. Her words were not familiar to me as she said sim sim sala beem. We all repeated, again sim sim sala beem. After what seemed like twenty minutes of repeating these odd words and phrases mom stopped. I felt a cold gust of winter air blow down my spine. I found this unbelievable as it was a hot August evening. I was really ready for the pizza, as it was getting cold, especially with the cold blast of arctic air blowing through the house. Just as I was about to dig in, mom said wait for the guests. What guests, I didn't know any one was coming over! Who could it be, mom and dad's best friends were dead!! DING DONG the doorbell rang, I don't think I'll ever get to eat. I hate pizza warmed in the microwave. Mom said Brandon why don't you get the door I reluctantly agreed. As I approached the door I could see the outline of three people. One looked to be about my age with long hair. As I opened the door to see who was keeping me from my dinner, I almost fell over. In fact I guess I did fall over. The next thing I knew I was on the floor and Mr. Smite was trying to revive me, and Judy was holding my hand. I can't tell you the thoughts that were going on in my head. Mass confusion, total disbelief, how could this be happening, they're DEAD! Mom came running in to the foyer to see what the commotion was all about. Hi Beth, Hi John, Hi

Monday, November 25, 2019

International students consume alcohol Essay Example

International students consume alcohol Essay Example International students consume alcohol Essay International students consume alcohol Essay Essay Topic: Students Restatement of the research objective The research focuses on drawing a comparative analysis between Australian and the international students drinking habits. Overall, the data shows that overseas and Australian students consumption of alcohol is quite different. As this research shows, on average both international male and female students consume alcohol at least once a month. On the other hand, the Australian students drink alcohol mainly two days a week. In addition, beer is the conceivably the most common drink among the international students while brand choice is evidently differentiated among the Australian students. The majority of Australian female students consume bottled wine while their colleague males predominantly drink beer irrespective of their alcoholic strengths. Research findings From the data obtained in this study, the first finding is that that alcohol is definitely the highest indulgence drug among both Australian and the international students. Beers and spirits account for the highest proportion of alcohol used by the international students while higher incidences of bottled spirit use and beer drinking is reported among Australian female and male students respectively. Most male international students drink at least twice a week while international female students only drink occasionally. Conversely, a greater proportion of the Australian students drink mainly two days a week. One probable reason for higher incidences of alcohol use among male than female students is the contemporary youth mentality that associates drug use with masculinity. Moreover, the society assigns females the role of caregivers hence they embrace sobriety early enough in their life. The second finding of this research is that taste of drink highly influences the brand relished by the international students than it is the case with Australian students. While both the male and female the international students exhibit an almost equal liking for beer, the Australian male students are common drinkers of wine while females relish bottled wine. Therefore, it .means that beer has the most favorable taste than all the other drinks that the international students choose from. On the other hand, there is a marked difference between the drinking of alcohol among international and the Australian students. The probability that psychological attunement of the females towards details such as taste and brands is higher than that of the males. Therefore, males would only consider a few factors before settling on a brand of choice as opposed to the females. While disposable income among the Australian students is the most important determinant of their respective drinking habits, taste is the most significant determinant of the brand choices among the international students. Due to the differential prices of various types of wine, its use among the Australian students is the most segmented with lower income students less predisposed to drinking cask wine than the medium to high income ones. Price only has an overreaching influence on the brand choices of the international female students. The most plausible reason for the influence of pricing in the Australian students choice of alcohol brand is their limited income. However, overseas students mainly come from affluent backgrounds thus are able tis sustain their alcoholic lifestyles devoid of price limitations. This research determines that a larger proportion of female international student drinkers consume alcohol at least once a week, at least once a month and less than once a month as compared with their male counterparts whose drinking habit is not dependent on time factors. The international male students drink alcohol at least twice a week is higher than female. These findings indicate the high levels of caution that female international students employ to prevent binge drinking or becoming alcohol addicts. Drinking of beer among the Australian male drinkers is differentiated into cohorts with decipherable differences in brand choices between baby boomers, generation X and generation Y. While age is not a determinant in the international students brand choices, it is significant among Australian drinkers with baby boomers males drinking more spirits that beer. Among the international male and female students, beer is universally extensively drunk than any other brand irrespective if the drinkers age. The choice to drink only occasionally reflects the resilience of both the international and Australian female students to the effects of group pressure compared to their male counterparts. In addition, the higher rates of drinking among both overseas and Australian male students can be attributed to the fact that males are more susceptible to group influence, especially with respect to drug use than the females are. Limitations and recommendation of the study The research does not provide personalized information that influence differential alcohol use among the international male and female students respectively as it does for the Australian. Factors such as societal expectations and resistance to peer pressure among female students would be rather compelling assertions of the research. Therefore, future research should focus on the social factors that influence the differentiated drinking trends between Australian and overseas students.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business ethical failure - Worldcom with their audits Research Paper

Business ethical failure - Worldcom with their audits - Research Paper Example Upon the disclosure of massive accounting irregularities, WorldCom, which was the second biggest telecommunication company in the world, filed for insolvency in the summer of 2002 in the federal court of Manhattan. The major departures from the desired corporate behaviour experienced in the company came because of the failure of the directors to identify and effectively, combat abuses leading to the widespread culture of greed. The failure also resulted from irresponsible members within the corporation to perform their fiduciary duties to the shareholders (Pulliam & Solomon, 2002). The other failure resulted from lack of transparrency in the operations and the management of the company. There was no proper co-ordination between the board of directors and the senior management of the company. The system of checks and balances in the leadership of the company did not play its role leading to a complete failure of the system of governance. The real fraud in the company comprised of a series of topside manipulations to the accounting entries to cover dwindling earnings. Mostly, these comprised of wrong drawdowns of accumulated reserves from the acquizition program as well as other sources and innappropriate cost capitalizations that were to be added as expenses. In other words, according to Kuhn and Sutton (2006), it was a very good incident of the so called ‘books cooking’. The company overstated its earnings by about eleven billion dollars and its balance sheet by about seventy five billion dollars. Consequently, there was a shareholder loss of approximately two hundred and fifty billion dollars. The desirable market views of the company in the 1990s sustained by a number of acquizitions. During this time, WorldCom was in a constant mode of acquizition as the means of expanding its operations. In turn, this caused a very great pressure of keeping price of its stock high in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Vodafone AirTouch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Vodafone AirTouch - Essay Example Vodafone currently has equity interests in 27 countries and Partner Networks (networks in which it has no equity stake) in a further 40 countries. It has achieved this status in about three decades with a spate of acquisitions and takeovers. This vertical expansion has never been let up since its formative years and has become its planned positioning strategy in its objective of becoming and possibly remaining number one globally.  Although Vodafone was always on the lookout for expanding its reach and its markets, the opportunity provided to it by the takeover of the US AirTouch was unique. When it took over AirTouch, it automatically acquired AirTouch’s stake in Mannesmann, the largest German telecom operator.  In the corporate world, companies have become marketable commodities. They are seen as commodities in terms of their financial contribution to increasing corporate value on the stock market. Corporates buy one another by way of merger in a friendly mutually agreed environment, or hostile takeovers during corporate wars, to augment their resources, power and market reach. Markets for corporate control create new opportunities for corporate managers to exercise power but they make the relatively little contribution toward improving managerial efficiency. In all cases, the intention is to grow vertically to become global players. It appears that the world is moving towards the eventual division of market share between a few global players in each field of economic activity. Apparently, economies of scale as foreseen and foretold by Adam Smith (1776) have not just come true but are being pursued to the next level. In the Telecom industry to it appears that between five to eight players will eventually control the global markets.  In June 1999 Vodafone bought the number two US wireless operator for 62 billion dollars cash plus stock transaction, the biggest ever deal of its time.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Lenin's The State and Revolution critical summary Essay

Lenin's The State and Revolution critical summary - Essay Example For many Marxists, grasping the essence of State and Revolution is regarded as the hallmark of genuine communists. The social analysis presented by Lenin ultimately justifies violent revolution. Lenin explains that those who continue to claim that they are Marxists too are exposed as fraud if they dispute the concept that only a violent uprising led by the proletariat and participated by all working masses can bring about the downfall of the bourgeoisie and lead to the construction of a new society where the majority are indeed superior to the minority, one that is also the cornerstone for the achievement of communism in the future. Lenin’s articulation is not just based on the earlier works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels though. This is also a by-product of the actual revolutionary experiences in Germany and France. Because of this, his ideas are not entirely new but are the more timely and practical perspective of Marxism. However, not everyone, even among the ranks of th ose who claim to be socialists, appreciate the points raised by Lenin. Even as he presented his criticisms against the reformists and the anarchists alike, his concepts were also heavily bombarded by the very people he criticized. From whatever perspective, whether left or right, State and Revolution is undoubtedly one of the foremost texts that shape theories useful in political science. This means that it is definitely not just the Marxists or the revolutionaries who should comprehend its meaning. The State: Establishment and ‘Withering Away’ In the first chapter of State and Revolution, Lenin reiterated the essential point raised by Engels regarding the principal character of the state. In defining the state, he merely re-emphasized Engels’ theory that it is a reflection of the reality that class antagonisms could be resolved in societies according to the current level of historical development. In Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, Engels points out that the state â€Å"is a product of society at a certain stage of development; it is the admission that this society has become entangled in an insoluble contradiction with itself, that it has split into irreconcilable antagonisms which it is powerless to dispel† (Engels, 2004, p.157). Social hierarchy as represented by the government is a means of instilling order, one that favors the economic elite, the bourgeoisie. It is precisely because there is a majority of working masses that need to be oppressed to instill subservience that the state creates armed components such as the armed forces and the police, aided by the judiciary and the penal system. The state, as Lenin explains, is therefore an instrument of those who are dominant also in the economic sphere. It is a coercive mechanism that is employed by the bourgeoisie in order to maintain its power seemingly, at first, in the sphere of politics. However, it ultimately serves as weapon against those who may wa nt to change the status quo in the economy and production as well. However, the establishment of the state apparently does not resolve contradictions among the classes. Instead, it only sharpens these to the point that the oppressed and exploited would deem it necessary to wage a revolution. Lenin clarifies that revolutions are not just abnormal reactions of the masses to intense oppression and exploitation. Revolutions occur as a natural response to the realities of class antagonisms. Therefore, for as long as classes

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Job sales

Job sales Home * job sales-3 * jobs in sales-4 * sale jobs-3 * sales job-8 sales jobs-6 As economy experiences an upsurge, there is an increased diversity in sales jobs. Sales jobs are no longer those instantly recognizable jobs in sales with targets setting and bonuses. There are many jobs which are an ever growing element of sales. Increasingly, no sales job is also becoming sales centric. Jobs in sales definitely require one to brush up their sales skills not only because of the corporate culture these days but also due to growing requirement to prove oneself each day in the job. Now, the concept of ‘jobs for life is diminishing and with that so is the concept of salary pensions. Jobs in sales can be tough but usually are accompanied with huge rewards. Before one starts a job in sales, he needs to be sure he understands the company terms and conditions on the sales job in terms of targets and commissions. There are various types of sale jobs- Direct sales, Indirect sales, Business to business sales, servicing sales jobs and IT sales jobs. Direct sale jobs refer to directly selling to private individuals. Products that are sold in this way are financial services (like credit cards, personal banking products, etc), home appliances and improvements or travel packages. Direct Sale jobs usually involve selling directly to homeowners. Sales representatives and sales executives carry out direct sales job which can comprise capital equipment sales or technical Sales. Indirect sales job refer to selling consumer goods and services to corporates which in turn sell them to individuals or other oragnizations. In a Business to Business job, sales involves selling products or sevices to different companies either directly approaching them or indirectly through other distributors. IT sales jobs have become very diverse in the last two decades.They fall into three main categories pre sales, sales and post sales support of hardware and software. Servicing sales jobs have also become an integral part of IT sales jobs. In servicing job sales refers to selling services to customers or corporates. The services can be in area of transport, logistics or advertising or management consultancy. Services sales job are considered to be highly specialized as there is no physical products for customer to touch, feel or acknowledge. Fundamentally in a job, sales requires different skills sets and personality types. In any type of sales job, a person needs to have constant interaction with clients either face to face or through phone. A sales man needs to have a pleasing personality, be an extrovert and should have excellent communication skills. He needs to constantly identify opportunities for cross selling or up selling and be prepared for delivering presentations with confidence and articulation. A person armed with above mentioned personality traits and qualities is sure to succeed in any sales job. Sales Representative Jobs sales representative job -4 sales representative jobs-5 sales rep jobs-4 sales executive jobs-5 A sales representative job comprises of selling companies products or services to customers. Sales representative jobs can involve selling products or services like electronic equipment, home appliances, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or vehicles. Sales rep jobs involve selling to individuals, factories or companies. Technical sales representatives and sales engineers are some of the sales executive jobs. Selling industrial, high tech gear and components comprises other types of sales representative jobs. People in sales rep jobs usually work on targets and can earn huge salaries in form of commission if they manage to achieve their targets. Sales representative jobs involves working long hours usually. Sales rep jobs involves lot of driving to visit clients at their homes, offices or factories. They often demonstrate the product or leave catalogues with the customer at the customer meeting points. In sales rep jobs, people are required to keep records of the orders made, number of appointments or cash transactions in a day with a handheld device or company provided laptops. They act as consultants between customers and companies in their sales executive jobs. Sales representative jobs involves being cautious and honest about the products that are popular with the customers as companies need this information to improve on their current products or services. For a person to excel in sales executive jobs, he should be brimming with confidence, ambition, persuasion skills and have extensive knowledge on companies products and competitors. He should be able to take refutation easily and move on networking extensively. There are no set qualifications besides having GCSE or equivalent qualified for a sales representative job. However, increasing number of candidates vying for sales executive jobs try to get higher qualifications by doing MBA specializing in sales or marketing. Many companies provide adequate training on their companys products and services when an employee joins in a sales representative job. They also get an understanding on specific sales m ethods used in a sales representative job in their company. Fresh employees in sales representative jobs usually are expected to work alongside senior members of the team till they become familiar with companys products and area where they need to work. Sales executive jobs are available in all sectors including working for manufacturing companies, wholesale distributors or in IT sector. Some sales representative jobs are freelance options. Progression possibilities for sales rep jobs include taking additional responsibilities in sales area and becoming sales manager, account manager or National Account Manager. Sales and Marketing jobs sales marketing job-3 sales marketing jobs-4 sales and marketing jobs-6 telesales jobs-4 There are many types of sales and marketing jobs available these days. Due to recession there was a slight fall in the number of job opportunities in sales marketing jobs. But with recession receding, sales and marketing jobs have also experienced a high. Sales and Marketing jobs can be classified into two categories- client side and Agency side. Client side sales and marketing jobs involve working as a part of the marketing department of a company. When people work in agency side sales and marketing jobs, they are basically working for a company specializing in Marketing. A person can look out for entry level positions in telesales jobs or Junior Account Executive. If you like talking on the phone, have the confidence to sell and possess the persistence to go on calling then telesales jobs are for you. Telesales jobs require one to be competitive to continuously meet targets and endure in aggressive environment. Telesales jobs involve making outbound calls to prospective customers, converting inbound calls into sales orders, exploiting opportunities from marketing campaigns and obtained databases as well as making general sales enquiries. Junior account executive in sales marketing job act as link between clients and the company and see to it that all deliverables are met on the agreed timelines. When a person has gained relevant experience in the field, he can look out for a senior sales marketing job as an Account Director, Account Manager, Marketing Manager, MarCom Manager or Brand Manager. Sales and Marketing jobs basically requires a person to have qualities like interpersonal skills, customer service, organizational and communications skills. Account Directors administer client relationships, delivers presentations to existing and prospective clients in their sales marketing jobs and also manage the account managers. Account Managers,in their sales marketing jobs, assist Account Director in creating strategies for achieving organizational plans for the financial year. They continuously work towards achieving targets by upselling and cross selling companies products and services. Brand Managers, in their role, work towards creating strategies and marketing campaigns that can directly be applied to a product or service. They work in conjunction with sales Managers and production teams to create the best strategies for increase in product sales. MarCom Managers look after the marketing strategies and promotions, organize marketing events and conferences and supervise all marketing related communication in their sales marketing jobs. A Marketing Manager in his sales marketing job, is entrusted with directing and managing all actions in the marketing department. Sales and Marketing jobs are a good career option as they are diverse and each one entails a different function, mind set and attributes to excel in it. IT sales jobs it sales jobs-4 software sales jobs-3 sales support jobs-5 technical sales jobs-3 Sales is an integral part of any business, especially IT. At the business level, IT sales jobs mean selling hardware and software systems. IT Sales jobs require personnel to continuously search for prospective clients who might benefit from the companys software products and services. People in IT sales jobs need to have in depth understanding of all applications and services and markets, proactively understand client requirements and create demand for their companys products. They need to have proven track record of consistently achieving high results in previous IT sales jobs. Software sales jobs require sales force to develop innovative methodology for selling. This is because Information Technology is an ever booming and ever growing sector. IT firms need to provide superiors applications and services in a highly competent environment. The development of these applications involves huge costs in researching and development. Unless these applications are sold at the best possible price, they have no value. This is achieved through employing best sales people in the industry in software sales jobs. Technical sales jobs entails combining technical know -how with sales skills. Based on the requirement of technical sales jobs, the work involves extensive technical knowledge to sell products and services and respond effectively to client queries. Clients usually are the technical staff of IT organizations.Technical sales jobs requires people to liase with clients and companys technical staff on an ongoing basis so as to meet the client requirements and deliverables. People in Software sales jobs need to explain and also give presentations on highly complex concepts and procedures. Once a sale has been made, there is usually a requirement to provide after sales services to clients which are called sales support jobs.Sales support jobs require people to have sound technical knowledge on the application or service, troubleshooting skills and problem solving skills. Sales support jobs are usually customer facing hence excellent communication skills are the base for these jobs. Entry level sales support jobs usually require college graduates with little or no experience. However, a good way to progress in sales support jobs is by getting a higher degree in computer science accompanied with an MBA in marketing. Professionals with strong visual designs, technical expertise and a knack for numbers usually excel in IT sales jobs. Medical and pharmaceutical sales jobs medical device sales jobs-4 medical sales jobs-5 pharmaceutical sales jobs-3 pharmaceutical sales rep jobs-4 The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most stable and fast growing industry in the world today. Studies have indicated that pharmaceutical industry has grown by 300 percent in the last ten years itself with which you can imagine pharmaceutical sales jobs have also quadrupled. Pharmaceutical sales rep jobs involves selling highly technical advanced products to teams of physicians and medical professionals. Therefore, medical sales jobs are regarded as very prestigious. Medical sales jobs are often referred as slump proof and offers good salary potential, flexibility, benefits and growth. Medical sales jobs can be devided into 2 categories- capital sales and non capital sales or consumable sales. Each category has it own set of unique sales requirements and processes. Pharmaceutical sales jobs involving Capital sales refer to selling information systems, hardware, billing, diagnostic and laboratory equipment. Medical sales jobs requiring consumable sales consist of selling consumable products like pharmaceuticals, laboratory reagents, and medicines. Employers usually seek those with a college degree and some previous sales experience for pharmaceutical sales rep jobs. People with no sales background can still break into pharmaceutical sales rep jobs if they come geared with clinical or healthcare background. Other most sought after qualities in pharmaceutical sales rep jobs are strong drive to achieve the set targets, willingness to learn, good communication skills, listening skills and presentation skills. But most of all an aptitude for science is required. If you do not enjoy science or reading about new scientific breakthroughs then you cannot think of succeeding in a pharmaceutical sales jobs. Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Merck offer loads of opportunities to college graduates to work in pharmaceutical sales jobs.Medical device sales jobs are one of the types of pharmaceutical sales jobs.Medical device sales jobs involve demonstrating products ranging from sophisticated surgical devices like hip or knee replacem ent surgical devices to key hole surgical kits. Medical device sales jobs also involve selling varied products like non clinical hospital equipment, aids for the disabled, implants and high tech equipment used in imaging and radiotherapy. A proven track record in pharmaceutical industry and thorough knowledge in ever changing competitive marketplace is needed to make a mark in medical device sales jobs. The international market for medical devices continues to grow at an unprecedented rate wherein competition is getting tense by the day. As a result there is an upsurge of medical sales jobs with people to benefit from the tremendous opportunities available in pharmaceuticals. Inside and outside sales jobs outside sales jobs-5 inside sales jobs-5 international sales jobs-7 sales trainer jobs-5 Sales today present varied roles apart from the traditional sales jobs.There are various types of sales opportunities- sales trainer jobs, inside sales jobs, outside sales jobs and even international sales jobs. Depending upon your experience and personal characteristics, you can decide which type of sales job you are suited to. Sales trainer jobs are offered to those who have had a successful sales career in the past and have mentoring capabilities to train new people in sales.These days sales trainer jobs are on a rise as companies are realizing that by training their sales force on company policies, products and methodologies, sales figures increase by bigger numbers. Sales trainer jobs involve training the employees on the companys offerings as a result they are able to sell them better. Also there is a better retention of sales staff if they are given training. Sales training was frowned upon by top sales managers earlier as the popular belief was that sales people are born with instinctive ability to convince and sell. However, with changing times it is felt that uncertain sales people can be churned into confident people with appropriate training. And already chiseled sales people can turn into greater sales men after sales training exercises. Sales trainer jobs involve training sales force on an ongoing basis as that makes sales people feel more supported in their company. Inside sales jobs requires sales executives to work while staying in office. Inside sales jobs requires one to sell products and services over the phone. Handling questions, complaints and pitching for new business over the phone are all part of inside sales jobs. Inside sales jobs do not involve much of travel, require less paperwork and lesser hours than outside sales jobs. Outside sales jobs are usually offered to those who have more sales experience, have proven track record of achieving results and require less management intervention. People in outside sales jobs need to fix app ointments with prospective clients, make presentations and pitch for the companys products and services constantly. Outside sales jobs are more challenging, time consuming and offer more job satisfaction than inside sales jobs. This is because of the sheer excitement sales executive feel before any face to face meeting. Also the customer tends to connect well with them and possibility of closing a deal sooner increases in case of outside sales jobs.While it is still easy to land an inside or outside sales job, international sales jobs are hard to get. They dont just happen. You need to plan a career if you wish to persue international sales jobs.You can target to get recruited by a global conglomerate in international sales jobs.These companies require you to travel abroad frequently to meet up with prospective clients and close deals. Usually international sales jobs are offered to people with extensive sales experience. An early entry into International sales jobs can be made if y ou have a degree from foreign university or have some international work experience. The three most sought after skills for international sales jobs are social skills, cognitive skills and personal qualities. Problem solving, decision making, adaptability, innovative and good product knowledge are general and personal skills which are a base but the social skills like ability to work and sell to highly diverse group of people make you the apt candidate for international sales jobs. Entry level and field sales jobs entry level sales jobs-4 field sales jobs-3 healthcare sales jobs-6 fmcg jobs-6 Entry level sales jobs are available these days in all employment arenas whether it is Banking industry, healthcare , fmcg, IT or call centres. Usually entry level sales jobs are field sales jobs. Entry level sales jobs involves representation of the companies at trade organizations, events and demonstrations. Sales personnel usually travel a lot to meet prospective customers in field sales jobs. Entry level sales jobs require high school degree or at the maximum graduation degree. Field sales jobs require people to be active, enthusiastic and have good product knowledge of products and markets. Freshers have an exciting opportunity to take advantage of a rewarding career and growth in fmcg jobs. FMCG refers to Fast moving Consumer goods sector which is fourth largest sector in Indian economy. Fmcg jobs for freshers include direct selling jobs, business to business sales jobs or business to customer sales jobs. In fmcg jobs, employees start directly selling through company outlets, i nternet, tele sales, departmental stores and hyper markets. Professionals in fmcg jobs are trained by the organizations per the business requirement and profile assigned to the employee. They need to be competent, outgoing and should be able to work well under pressure. Fmcg jobs usually require professionals to be armed with higher degree in form of MBA or advanced diploma in marketing. People can search for fmcg jobs in consumer goods sector, electronics or pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals or Health care sales jobs have outgrown any other sector. Health care sale jobs involves sale of any product that helps in the process of laboratorian, radiologist, physician, respiraotory therapist or any other professional who provide service to patients. Medical sales, Medical device sales, pharmaceutical sales, clinical laboratory sales, Biotech laboratory sales, laboratory equipment sales and pathology sales are some of the types of Health care sales jobs available. There are field sales al so available in health care sales jobs.Field service engineers, Field technical support, Research laboratory sales and Imaging sales are other types of healthcare sales jobs. A person with proven experience in medical field armed with a graduation or post graduation degree in health science can be ideal for healthcare sales jobs. If people try to get into healthcare sales jobs as freshers, they tend to build extensive work experience in this sector and are able to experience unprecedented growth. Hot sales Jobs hotel sales jobs-4 industrial sales jobs-3 construction sales jobs-4 sales associate jobs-4 With economy showing upward trend, sales as a career option is experiencing a high. Hot sales jobs are available in hotel industry, industrial sales or construction industry. No industry today is as fast moving as hotel industry. With the rise in the hotels industry there is rise in hotel sales jobs as well. Hotel sales jobs involve selling blocks of rooms or bookings for special events like new years or accommodation packages or dining and banquet services .The type of salary in hotel sales jobs largely depends on the type of employer you work for and the number of years of experience. You can start a career in hotel sales job by becoming a hotel sales executive or sales associate or hotel sales manager and go on to become Corporate sales manager or Sales director as you progress in your career. Construction industry has experienced boom in the recent past and construction companies have become one stop shop for clients which include building design, pre construction and property management. This has led to rise in construction sales jobs. Construction sales jobs consist of External sales, Marketing and project management. Construction sales jobs also include being the key point of contact for manufacturers, distributors and merchants for building products. You can start a career in field sales by taking up construction sales jobs as Area sales manager or Sales executive or Sales associate for selling products in insulation, bathroom fittings, lighting or curtain walling. If you have relevant experience in construction then you can take up senior roles like Marketing or National Sales manager or National account Manager or export manager. Industrial sales job is another hot sales job sector. Sales associates work for Industrial sectors like adhesives, air compressors, building services, coatings, drilling machinery, industrial manufacturing consumables, lubricants, oils, polymers, test and calibration equipement or welding equipment when they opt for working in Industrial sales jobs.Industrial sales jobs requires sales associates to be comfortable in industrial setting and sell to engineers and professionals with mechanical aptitude. Media, retail and advertising sales jobs advertising sales jobs-4 media sales jobs-5 retail sales jobs-5 sales coordinator jobs-3 It could not be a better time to be in sales. With economic recession almost over, every industry seems to be looking for competent professionals to bring in the business. There seems to be a welcome rise in advertising sales jobs, media sales jobs and retail sales jobs. You can find Advertising sales jobs including sales coordinator jobs, sales executive and telesales executive jobs when you are trying to break into the advertising industry. Advertising sales jobs basically involve selling magazine or online advertising space to existing and prospective clients. As you progress in your career, you can think of getting Account manager or Account Director roles in Advertising sales jobs. In Account Management capacity you basically plan the brief, manage the advertising and brand campaigns and manage relationship with clients, suppliers and internal teams. Media sales jobs involve selling across many platforms like print, online, email campaigns and subscriptions. Media sales jobs also involve researching and contacting exhibitions and conference clients with an imaginative approach to impel sales and maintain good client relationships for future sales. Sales coordinator jobs are available as entry point into Media sales jobs. From there on, there are ample opportunities in media sales jobs to grow as an International Media sales manager, global media manager or strategic Marketing and Media Manager. At the same time retail sales jobs are also on a rise. There are many professionals who work behind the scenes to keep employers, suppliers, customers and investors happy. It is easy to get sales coordinator jobs in retail sector as a fresh graduate. Retail sales jobs are devided in three main categories- store upkeep, product handling and administration. Retail Buyers review products in the market and sign off that might be bought for their store. Retail Merchandisers review available products, price them and decide the best of displaying them in the store for maximizing sales.Retail sales jobs also include being retail sales clerk, retail cashier, retail store managers and retail loss prevention managers. Once you have crossed the middle management in retail sales jobs, you can go to become part of Retail Corporate Management and manage the entire look and feel of the store or mall. As you can see, there are ample opportunities in advertising, media or retail sales so what are you waiting for? Go on and start applying and build a fabulous career. Auto, car and insurance sales jobs auto sales jobs-6 car sales jobs-4 insurance sales jobs-5 sales assistant jobs-4 With economy coming out of the recession slowly and steadily, auto sales jobs are on the rise. Auto sales jobs are offered at car dealerships. Car dealerships basically serve as a link between car manufacturers and customers. There are two types of car dealerships- franchised car dealerships which showcase new vehicles manufactured by a popular brand and independent used car dealerships which are smaller in size and sell used vehicles including cars. Auto sales jobs or car sales jobs requires professionals with good communication skills, customer servicing, strong drive and ability to work under pressure. Auto sales jobs require people to work long hours. People in car sales jobs usually work weekends as most of the sale is expected on weekends when customers get time from their busy schedules. Bureau of labor statistics projects that there will be eleven percent increase in auto sales jobs by 2016.More and more dealers are providing lucrative salaries in car sales jobs by devising b etter compensation methods and better commissions. Types of Car sales jobs are Car sales representatives, Used car sales executives, Car sales administrator, Car sales manager and Car sales controller. You can start of a career in auto sales jobs by taking sales assistant jobs. People in sales assistant jobs are required to provide efficient, prompt and courteous service to all customers. Sales assistant jobs also require people to assist with client mailings and processing paperwork, performing office tasks like taking messages, copying, faxing and telecalling customers to schedule appointments. If you have good communication skills, organizational skills and proficient in MS office applications, then progression is easier to senior roles in auto sales jobs or even into insurance sales jobs. Insurance sales jobs require people to sell insurance in life, health, property and long term care to customers. Professionals in insurance sales jobs offer advice to customers on how to reduce risks and choose the best insurance policy. Professionals in insurance sales jobs advise on best financial planning options and retirement plans. Therefore people in insurance sales jobs are involved in continuously cross selling insurance policies and complete account management. Increased competition in Insurance sector has made companies choose people in insurance sales jobs very diligently. Professionals work as insurance agents or brokers either by being directly employed with companies or on independent basis. College graduates can start working in insurance sales assistant jobs and slowly climb the ladder up. Income potential is huge in insurance sector therefore chance to work in insurance sector should not be missed. Sales manager jobs sales management jobs-4 sales manager job-4 sales manager jobs-4 sales marketing business development jobs-3 Sales management jobs require sales professionals to manage, organize, lead and motiv

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Popularity, Physical Appearance, and the American Dream in Death of a S

Popularity, Physical Appearance, and the American Dream in Death of a Salesman For most, the American Dream is a sure fire shot at true happiness.   It represents hope for a successful, fortune-filled future.   Though most agree on the meaning of the American Dream, few follow the same path to achieving it.   For struggling salesman Willy Loman, achieving this dream would mean a completely fulfilled existence.   Unfortunately, Willy's simplistic ideas on how to accomplish his goal are what ultimately prevent him from reaching it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Out of all of Willy's simplistic ideals, one major pattern we can notice is how Willy truly believes that popularity and physical appearance are what make people wealthy.   We are first introduced to this idea when Willy is speaking to his wife, Linda, about their son Biff.   "Biff Loman is lost," says Willy.   "In the greatest country in the world, a young man with such personal attractiveness gets lost."   In this quote, not only is Willy confused about how Biff's good looks can't help him get a job, but also because his son can't get a job in a country like Ame... ... things that made people successful in life, regardless of whether or not hard work was involved.   Because of these simplistic ideas, Willy went through life with a somewhat naive frame of mind, and was unable to reach his goal of achieving the American Dream. Works Cited Lewis, Allan. American Plays and Playwrights. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1970. 47. Miller, Arthur. "Death of a Salesman." Discovering Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays. Ed. Hans P. Guth and Gabriele L. Rico. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. 1211-82.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Romantic Love Is a Poor Basis for Marriage

Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage. Many songs had been written about romantic love, and a lot of books had been devoted to this topic. Up to now this is still a favorite theme for many movies and publications. But what is this in the real life, and how does romantic love affect a relationship between man and woman, and especially in marriage? What Romantic Love and True Love really are? Let’s look on this more carefully and try to answer on these questions. It’s difficult to disagree that falling in love is a very wonderful feeling.It seems like wings suddenly grow on your back, and the world shrinks where it is only you and your love, and you would give everything to keep this feeling forever. When I felt this feeling the first time, it was something amazing and indescribable. However, for me this feeling didn’t last long, and usually disappeared in several months. Now I’m married; is this feeling still alive in my marriage? We will see this late r. Sometimes people say that love is blinding. Is it true, or more correctly, is it love?I will not say that romantic love is always something negative. No, it’s a wonderful feeling, and it’s very good if partners have it in a marriage. However, can we build our own future family only on these feelings? I think, the best way for the family is if these feelings grow up in true mutual love in the marriage. On the other hand, what do we do if this doesn’t happen? Unfortunately, life shows in most cases that this romantic love ends after the wedding, and everyday life begins with its usual joys and troubles.You may say to me that it’s not your case, and in your life all will be perfect. Maybe it is true, as I also thought that way before my own marriage, but now I have changed my mind. It's good for all to be prepared for this. When romantic love ends after the wedding, what remains after it? Now we have approached to the definition of what True Love really i s in my opinion. I think, that true love it is not feeling, but it is a choice.When we decided to get married, we gave a promise to love each other forever, and this means that we cannot stop loving one another anymore. If our relations based only in romantic love, then when we live together we will see many differences and many weaknesses are inside one another. We can become disappointed with our decision to make this marriage. However, if we will know that true love is a choice, we can’t return back, and we will be more responsible for our decisions to get married. So, as we can see, romantic love is a poor basis for marriage.This foundation is not strong enough to stand against many difficulties, which we will meet in everyday life in marriage. We have to have the strong decision inside us that in any situation, with any obstacle against us, we will continue to love our spouses. This means that we will continue to respect, to understand, to seek not our will, but our spou se’s. We will continue to try please each other and sometimes even to give up our selfish desires. And then our marriage will be strong and lasting, and we will be together until death do us apart.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Computer In The World

COMPUTERS A Computerized World Computers play an important role in this modern society. All people around the world are forced the â€Å"computer age† nowadays. Since the first computer was made in the late 1950s, which I heard that was came from the Chinese Abacus, the technology has developed extremely. Computers are everywhere and control a great deal of our living environment. More and more areas are being taken over by the computer. Not able to use a computer is a serious handicap with ramifications in all areas of life. Therefore, if people do not know computers or do not know how to use them it means that they are not prepared for the future. They will fall behind our advancing society. Computers have been applied to industry, agriculture, political affairs, economy, military, science and many other fields; it is becoming more and more important. It is reason why I feel; I need to know more about computers such as why computer is useful, history of computer, and Internet. COMPUTERS ARE USEFUL IN OUR LIFE Nowadays, no matter what the professions, a mainstay of the companies prefers to hire employees who basically need to know how to operate computers. â€Å"Knowledge of computers† has become a basic requirement in job descriptions. As computers are capable of handling large amounts of data in a very short time, they are well suited for word processing. For instance, medical officers use computer to record patients’ data for finding them easier and more conveniently. Banks also use computers to store information for consumers to know their account conveniently and orderly, etc. The government agencies are the one who use computers most because they need to record confidential data, for instance, the military, and the U.S Census Bureau, etc. The business also use computer password system in the companies that to avoid other companies’ stealing their business secrets. Therefore, the secret data will not let... Free Essays on Computer In The World Free Essays on Computer In The World COMPUTERS A Computerized World Computers play an important role in this modern society. All people around the world are forced the â€Å"computer age† nowadays. Since the first computer was made in the late 1950s, which I heard that was came from the Chinese Abacus, the technology has developed extremely. Computers are everywhere and control a great deal of our living environment. More and more areas are being taken over by the computer. Not able to use a computer is a serious handicap with ramifications in all areas of life. Therefore, if people do not know computers or do not know how to use them it means that they are not prepared for the future. They will fall behind our advancing society. Computers have been applied to industry, agriculture, political affairs, economy, military, science and many other fields; it is becoming more and more important. It is reason why I feel; I need to know more about computers such as why computer is useful, history of computer, and Internet. COMPUTERS ARE USEFUL IN OUR LIFE Nowadays, no matter what the professions, a mainstay of the companies prefers to hire employees who basically need to know how to operate computers. â€Å"Knowledge of computers† has become a basic requirement in job descriptions. As computers are capable of handling large amounts of data in a very short time, they are well suited for word processing. For instance, medical officers use computer to record patients’ data for finding them easier and more conveniently. Banks also use computers to store information for consumers to know their account conveniently and orderly, etc. The government agencies are the one who use computers most because they need to record confidential data, for instance, the military, and the U.S Census Bureau, etc. The business also use computer password system in the companies that to avoid other companies’ stealing their business secrets. Therefore, the secret data will not let...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Contrast Gene Shepards Christmas Story essays

Comparison/Contrast Gene Shepards Christmas Story essays Gene Shepards In God We Trust, All others pay cash vs. The Christmas Story The book, In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash, is a summary of childhood experiences told by the author when he was a middle aged man when he was visiting his hometown again. The book contained two different periods of his childhood. The familiar movie, The Christmas Story, was based on the revisited elementary years rather than the teenage years described in the book. The book will seem very familiar when watching the movie. In fact, most of the narration is a direct quotation. Due to the remembrances of two different periods, only half the book was used for the basis of the movie. Some of the scenes taken from the movie were amazingly accurate. Every mention of the little brother Randy was portrayed perfectly. The opening of the Christmas display in the store window appears to be taken from the vivid imagery. Another scene that was taken line for line was the visit to Santa Claus. Every nuance of the elves, even Santas menacing ho-ho-hos, were played as verbatim. One other scene that comes to life is the classroom scene where they are given the theme assignment based on What I would like for Christmas. The book, however, was not in order as compared to the movie. The book is told from looking back at memories. It was not in the order portrayed in the movie. In fact, the book takes place over an entire year with many of the scenes happening in the summer. If the movie was told in the same order and style, it probably would not be the classic it is. Several of the characters of the movie were not as they appeared in the book. The dad, although closely portrayed, was not as colorful or funny in the book. The bully, Scot Farcus, was not even in the book. His toadie, Grover Dill, was the original book bully. The Bumpass dogs were only mentioned once; they were not the arch enemy of the dad as in the m...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Building E-commerce (Rent all Marine activities and boat charters) Research Paper

Building E-commerce (Rent all Marine activities and boat charters) - Research Paper Example The company will commence its operations, under the Commercial Law of Kuwait government, with a total share capital of KD 60,000. The contributors are Mr. Fahad Alnasrallah (Chief Marketing Officer – CMO), Mr. Mohammed Almejadi (Chief Financing Officer – CFO) and Mr. Abdulaziz Almohaisen (Chief Executive Officer-CEO and founder). Each partner will invest KD 20,000. The NPV after the feasibility study for five years forecasting shows a positive KD 2,247, which indicates that it is a feasible business venture. It will start generating positive income cash flow for the third year in 2018 with a margin of 7%, and on an increasing scale to reach a margin of 22% in the year 2020. The Pay Back Period is 4.6 years. The primary value proposition for the company is to save time and money by providing the customers an opportunity to adventure the sea with the convenience and avoiding unqualified vendors. The company will receive transaction fee based on successful transaction/confirmation done, the yearly subscription from vendors, and advertisement from advertisers. The market opportunity is large due to lots of individual vendors who will be attracted to join. The market will be competitive after few years of initiative, but the company will mostly possess the largest market share, giving the new entrants a bleak in an entry. This will be achieved by engaging experienced, knowledgeable, and well-known employees. The market strategy includes marketing campaigns, advertisements, and word of mouth. The company will undertake to recruit highly skilled staff to achieve an effective organizational development plan. With the well-able management team, the company will pull in and convince customers th at the business has a plenitude of market-specific expertise and the experience necessary to implement the business plan. Given the positive Net Profit Value of KD 2,247 after the feasibility study for 5 years

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Zara Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Zara Marketing Plan - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that the company responds quickly and more efficiently to customers demand in the market and in so doing, Zara has remained in the forefront in delivering the latest fashion to customers at a fair price in locations like Paris and New York. Zara operates in more than 77 countries since 1990’s, a business that has grown from 6 stores in the year 1979. Later, several retail operations stores sprout up in major Spanish cities before going global as from 1988. The expansion of its market shows the growth in size, production and customer demand. To ensure sustainability in the market and satisfaction of customers, the company invests in innovation and creativity to enhance the introduction of new brands which targets different segments of customers in the market such as the â€Å"Pull & Bear†, â€Å"Massimo Dutti†, and the â€Å"Bershka†.This paper stresses that  the ability to identify the consumers in need of the latest fash ion and international brands has been the drive towards international growth. This presents Zara to other large competitors in the market such as Victoria’s Secret and GAP as well as from new entrants. The highly targeted market is women as they account for 60% of the company sales. In display, management saw to it that products were mixed from skirts, shirts, to pants; a move that enabled customers to get and buy, unique-well combined outfits.... In display, management saw to it that products were mixed from skirts, shirts, to pants; a move that enabled customers to get and buy, unique-well combined outfits. The firm has experienced exponential growth while employing its flexible and high-speed business model as this has enabled the sales to increase from $8.15 billion in 2006 to $17.2 billion in 2011. This is facilitated by the continual global expansion of its market as this has the company to open branches in 77 countries with over 4000 overall stores globally (Hansen 12). Analysis of issues The major issues facing Zara includes maintaining a strong and effective customer care, optimization of the high development and training cost as well as maintenance of the company’s ability of effectively responding to market needs. The production system of Zara is more flexible; hence, this calls for an efficient distribution system, fast supply chain and commitment of employees. Moreover, the new breed of shoppers calls for a new variety, freshness and loyalty. The brand should be able to serve the increased demand from a more educated and savvy consumers who demand more choices (Lynn et al 3). The major market comprises of full bodied women who are full size. Clothes are produced that will fit them properly so as to enhance their beauty. This market segment is more conscious on their looks and they enjoy shopping as they are hectic of socializing lifestyles. In essence, attention is laid on the plus size ladies aged 18-40 who work in big cities with mid range level of income or those in pursuit of higher levels of education. Customer service is an important tool in marketing and promotion. The company focused heavily on training of its sales team so as they may serve customers more effectively.